Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Clooney Finally Gets His Due

It's late, I haven't been blogging so much lately and I am so not in the mood to do a whole huge rant on the nominations today. I will try to be better and blog more in the coming weeks. As soon as the current draft of our script is done, it will be easier. If you didn't catch the nominations earlier, click here to check them out. I was so excited that George Clooney got nominated for supporting actor, director and original screenplay. He is an amazing talent and has put his career and sometimes his own money/salary on the line to make important movies that need to been seen and yet are still quite entertaining. Syriana and Good Night and Good Luck are two of the best movies I saw all year. I would say the one glaring omission from the nominations is The Constant Gardener, which was a truly spectacular thrill ride of a movie that also tackles a difficult issue. I was happy that Rachel Weisz got nominated for it, but I would also have liked to have seen it in other categories. If you are curious how nominees reacted when they got the news, click here. This article, that I just read today is a roundtable interview with Paul Haggis (writer/director of Crash), Bennett Miller (director of Capote), Steven Spielberg, George Clooney and Ang Lee that is really fascinating. The group is so varied and dynamic that it was really enlightening to read.

Friday, January 27, 2006

CSI Goes Old School Vegas

I don't always watch CSI, but when I catch it, I'm always glad I did. The episode I watched earlier this evening starred none other than Faye Dunaway. She is rumored to be nuts, but boy can she act. She still looks beautiful and I kept trying to decide if she has had surgery. I'm probably naive to think that maybe she hasn't. The episode was great and had a sort of retro feel to it (which even included a flash to the old Las Vegas strip in black and white at the end of the episode). Marg was tremendous as always. I have always been a bit envious of her talent and the fact that she is married to Alan Rosenberg. Alan is a really great actor, the current president of SAG and cute in a quirky way. They are using Eric Szmanda more on the show and I'm all for that, as he brings a bit of levity to an often serious show (it doesn't hurt that he is also kind of cute.) I have always been a fan of William Petersen, but I swear they should have him shave, as he looks better with no facial hair. If you don't believe me, compare and contrast him with facial hair and without, to see what you think.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Few Days In The Life of Jason Reitman

I'm really looking forward to seeing Jason Reitman's film, Thank You For Smoking when it comes out in March. The movie is based on this book. I have seen the trailer and it looks really amazing. The film has terrific actors, great source material and a darkly comic edge, so how can you go wrong. It's kind of pathetic that there was so much hubbub (is that a word?) at Sundance this week about the fact that a short sex scene between Aaron Eckhart and Katie Holmes is now missing from the film. People are convinced that Tom Cruise used his clout to have the scene removed. Now I am no Scientology lover, and I think Tom Cruise is pretty nutty (especially lately), but even I think it's unlikely that this is true. Reitman swears that it was just a technical glitch. Jason wrote a Sundance diary for USA Today and I really enjoyed reading it. Even though he is the son of a famous director and now very successful at a relatively young age, he doesn't seem full of himself at all, in fact, he seems to be quite humble and grateful.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Fine With Me, As Long As I Can Still Watch Everwood

I was surprised, like I think most others were to hear that UPN and The WB are combining into one new network called the CW (not the most catchy name). I have no real problem with it though, as long as I can still watch Everwood and Gilmore Girls when the urge strikes me.

Do You Want To Watch Aniston As A Pot Smoking Maid?

I sure do. Her new movie that premiered at Sundance this week, Friends with Money, looks great. I can't wait to see it. I like the actors in the film including Jen, but I also love the director, Nicole Holofcener, who wrote and directed this great movie a few years back that starred Anne Heche (before she went nuts), Catherine Keener and Liev Schreiber. Here is some info about Friends with Money and a review to check out.

Monday, January 23, 2006

You Have To Love A Girl Who Can Laugh At Herself

I have always liked Drew Barrymore, but after seeing this clip of her little cameo on Saturday Night Live this week, I like her even more. I must admit that I did not get why she choose to wear the dress she did at the Golden Globes with no bra. Even though I am not the judgmental sort, I didn't think it was the best look for her. That fact that she can take that incident and turn it into something funny and positive is amazing. Drew's ability to not take life super seriously and the fact that she can laugh at herself only enhances her charm. I'm really looking forward to seeing her in a more serious role when Curtis Hanson's film, Lucky You, comes out later this year.

The Jury Is Still Out On The Monkey

I know, I know, I haven't been blogging very much in the past week or so. I swear I'm not lazy, just temping/working a bunch of hours and trying to finish a script. Okay off the topic of my laziness and onto new TV shows. I saw Love Monkey last week and I'm not ready to make a definitive decision about whether to keep watching it. I didn't love it, but it was entertaining at times and I think it has potential. It could really go either way at this point. It certainly is no How I Met Your Mother (which if you read this blog at all, you know I love), but I might give it at least one more chance. I have this feeling it's going to turn out not to be must see TV for me, but yeah, I'll watch it if it's on and I have nothing better to do kind of TV. One cool thing about the show is that they are going to have a bunch of musical guest stars (known and unknown) because Tom Cavanagh is playing a music lover who is an A&R rep at a small label. The guy they had on in the pilot who they referred to as Wayne, is actually musician Teddy Geiger. He is very young, but seems to have some real talent and depth. He reminds me a bit of John Mayer, but in a good way. Check out his music here, if you are intrigued. If you want to catch up a bit with Jason Priestly who is also on the show, read this interview.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Clap For Him

Joshua Bell was on the Isaac Mizrahi show tonight. As I mentioned previously, I really enjoy the show, but this episode was especially fantastic because Josh played a piece for Isaac. Isaac mentioned how he thought Josh was cute and liked his shoes and the flirting just made the whole thing hilarious and extra appealing. Josh is a tremendously gifted violinist and I'm very lucky that I have seen him live so many times. I have honestly almost been brought to tears a time or two when he has played (in a good way), but I can't even quantify why. Here is a link to a fairly recent NPR interview and performance. He also has a new cd out, so if you are into classical or even if you think you aren't, check it out and you just might end up wanting it.

Camp Texas Hold Em

I like playing cards. I would sometimes play poker with my sister and my dad when we were kids, and I always enjoyed it. Years ago, before poker got so crazy popular again, I started to watch some of the tournaments on TV and got sucked in again and realized that the main game that was played was a new one called Texas Hold Em. When I started to watch the tournaments on TV, I was surprised to see this guy, who is the son of a famous actor, an actor himself, a guy I mostly think of as being a tennis player, but who is now apparently a skilled and knowledgeable player and TV host. He has a poker website with someone I once worked for on a movie. I don't play poker that often, but I would love to get a chance to do it more. I would give anything to be able to attend this Phil Hellmuth Poker Camp, but it costs almost $2000, so I won't be going anytime soon, as there are other things to spend that money on. My favorite semi-cheesy, but fun related poker show to watch is this one and I'm looking forward to seeing this movie with a poker related theme when it comes out. If you have a few minutes to kill, this free online poker game is a great time waster.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My brief two cents on the Golden Globes

Everyone is covering the Globes, so I will keep it short. The show was pretty funny to watch. No big surprise really because the nominees can drink and often seem buzzed (Harrison Ford is a clear example of that from last night) and the mood is just not as serious. I thought most people looked pretty good. Steve Carell, Ang Lee, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Felicity Hoffman made the best speeches and I was excited to see George Clooney win.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Forbes Magazine Makes Me Green

I am trying so hard in my life to learn not to be a bitter, jealous person and to be aware that everyone has their own path to success. Some days I can hold this in my mind and be okay with the fact that I'm not where I thought I would be at this point in my life, but when I read articles like this one in Forbes, it's hard not to be a little green with envy. Thankfully after I saw the Forbes article, I happened to see this article from the LA Times that had to do with struggling filmmakers who finally were able to have some success, and it cheered me up a bit.

Comeback 90210 Part Deux

More confirmation that the cast of 90210 is having a major comeback year. When you start hearing about this trend all over, remember that I figured it out first. Truthfully, this is one cast member I could easily live without ever seeing on TV again. She has had one hell of a year between breaking up with her husband of less than two years and getting engaged quickly to a guy who left his wife for her. Her real life sounds like quite a soap opera, so it would be better if they just followed her around with cameras MTV style instead of doing this show that is inspired by her real life

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sesame Street Chic

I recently happened upon this cute website for babies and kids. This shirt they sell is hilarious. I have to buy it for a bunch of kids I know. This other shirt they sell is also pretty funny. I love it when I find cute kid gifts like this that are reasonably priced and have a bit of a sense of humor.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I'll Admit It, I'm Going To Watch

I'm not sure why, but I kind of like Beauty and the Geek. It seems odd that I like the show because some of the women on it are so dumb it is painful to watch and the guys are so geeky even I'm not into them. Oh well, even though I can't put my finger on why it draws me in, I will likely watch some of the new season. Try it one week and see if you find it entertaining, who knows, maybe you'll learn something.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Going From The Mouse House To A TV Near You

Was anyone really waiting around for Michael Eisner do a talk show? I certainly won't be watching.

The Dumbest IPOD Idea Yet

Some people have so much time on their hands that they create things nobody in their right mind really wants. I don't have an IPOD yet, but I am planning on buying a Nano soon and there is no way I would ever walk around wearing it as a part of my buckle. Seriously someone needs to take whatever creativity it took to think up something like this and put it to better use.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Comeback 90210

This article in EW lists 10 new shows that are coming on midseason. Some don't appeal to me at all, but one or two seem pretty interesting. I might check out Windfall because the idea of seeing how your life can change after you win the lottery seems kind of intriguing to me, at least on the surface. One of the stars of Windfall is this alum from 90210. There seems to be a big 90210 resurgence right now because I just wrote the other day that this 90210 alum is going to be on the new show Love Monkey on CBS. I also just remembered that this alum from the show is on Freddie. If I am the first one to have spotted this trend, I better get credit for it.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

No Howard For Me Tomorrow AM

Normally I am so prepared. The old me would have had a Sirius radio months before Howard Stern was even going to be on the air. The thing is I am trying not to make quite so many lists and be so over on top of everything, so I kept putting it off. At the time, I wasn't temping and it was really hard to justify the expense, so I left it until today. Yes, today. The day before Howard is going to do his first show on Sirius. So after seeing Brokeback Mountain, I dragged myself to Best Buy and found that literally every Sirius device was sold out. After that disappointment I walked over to the Target in the same center and again found every device sold out. What did I expect the day before. Everyone mocks how neurotic I can be, but in this case, it would have come in handy to be my typical self. I know that eventually I will get to hear Howard on Sirius, but I really wanted to hear the show tomorrow where each member of the show is going to divulge something shocking about themselves. The recent rumor is that Howard might have gotten married to his longtime girlfriend (even after vowing he never would) and now I guess that I'll just have to count on my friend Debbie (who I so hope found radio, as she left it to this weekend as well) to tell me what happened.

Mork and TomKat visit CES

I had no idea that so many celebrities go to CES (the Consumer Electronics Show that was just in Vegas last week). Robin Williams was there and so was Tomkat. I heard a rumor that Jen and Vince were roaming around somewhere. I wish I had been there. Not to see celebs, but just to get a glimpse of all the cool electronics and hear the speeches that people like Bill Gates, Terry Semel and Larry Page gave about the newest things going on with their businesses.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Show That Stars Ed & A Former Resident of 90210

CBS is running a ton of commercials for the new show Love Monkey. I'm pretty sure the show is loosely based on this book that I haven't read, but it is popular. I never watched Ed, but I have seen Tom Cavanagh on other shows and there is something about him that is charming, sweet and ultimately watchable. Another Canadian who once starred on 90210 is also on the show and I will try not to hold that against him. All I can say is that I hope he has a new hairdo. Not only does this show sound cute, but Whitney Mathson who writes a blog I like on the USA Today site, likes it and I often agree with her taste. Once it airs, I will try to post a review.

Joel Stein Attempts To Win Over Maureen Dowd

When I first started blogging, I mentioned how I really like the writer Joel Stein, who has written for Time, EW and now the Los Angeles Times. He has a column every Tuesday and the one he wrote this week made me laugh out loud. The article is about him trying to win over columnist Maureen Dowd after he insulted her long ago, but I can't even do it justice, so check it out and if you don't laugh, I'll give you your money back. Oh, wait, it just occurred to me that the site is free, so if you really don't laugh, let me know and maybe I'll send you some Monopoly money since it is so easy to print out these days.

Looks Like Jon Stewart Is Getting A Bigger Audience

I worked late and I'm pretty tired, but I don't want to completely give up the blogging, so I'll post a few things tonight. If the postings aren't informative or amusing, blame in on my lack of time and energy. Anyway, on to the point of this posting. I just read that Jon Stewart is going to be hosting the Academy Awards. Sounds like a good choice to me. I think Jon is bright and incredibly entertaining, but the truth is that you never know how it will go. People just as talented as he is have tried and it hasn't always gone well. My one worry with Jon Stewart is that he is so cerebral, I wonder if some jokes will go over viewers heads. I am guess he will have to dumb it down a bit, so that everyone watching will be in on the joke. Perhaps he will come out wearing shorts and we can see his muscular soccer legs that I blogged about a few weeks ago.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Watching Shows When & Where You Want

Recently CBS partnered up with Yahoo to show a couple of episodes of their more popular shows (2 and 1/2 men & How I Met Your Mother) online. The episodes had already aired on TV, but it's still a pretty cool idea. I was pretty excited because I got to watch an episode that I had missed of How I Met Your Mother. Not that long after the Yahoo thing happened, I read that the creators of The Family Guy are going to create original episodes that will air on Fox.com, MySpace and IGN. If this isn't a full blown trend, it certainly seems to be heading in that direction. I think internet companies and network execs are finally realizing that viewers want to watch what they like when and how they like it and that can vary widely from people who worship Tivo to people that might want to watch an episode of TV online while on a lunch break at work or while waiting for a flight in an airport.

From Target to the Style Channel With A Little Couture On The Side

If you haven't checked out the Isaac show on The Style Channel, you really should. Isaac Mizrahi had another show once before, but this is a daily show that is sure to bring more viewers to the channel. Isaac is a joy to watch, precisely because he does not try to be stiff and perfect like other hosts, but instead embraces his own sweet and quirky charm. His show is about a lack of pretense and loads of honest thoughts and feelings and it is great fun to watch. On a recent episode he shared that he overheard his mother inferring that he had blown up and that is why he was wearing a black suit and going on a diet. Truthfully, Isaac doesn't seem the least bit fat, but what other host do you know that would share those inner neurotic and insecure thoughts that most of us have (myself included). It is specifically because of this approach that he tends to bring out a more real side of his guests and that is also entertaining. In addition to the show, Isaac is still doing his line for Target and a bit of couture as well. I wish the big networks could understand that this type of show is more engaging and interesting to watch that some blah talk show where every guest is pre-interviewed and tells the same anecdotes again and again, but doesn't really share anything real about themselves. There are only a handful of hosts that are good at this sort of show: Charlie Rose , Craig Ferguson and Jon Stewart, but now Isaac can add himself to the list.

Match Point Part Deux

So I saw Match Point this weekend and I really enjoyed it. Don't read the rest of this if you haven't seen the movie and are planning to, as I give away a few things. I certainly agree with most people that it's Woody Allen's best movie in quite a few years. I did also kind of like Melinda and Melinda, but I thought this newer one was even better. One theme in this movie that has come up many times in his films is the belief that most people at the core are not good and/or don't choose to do the right thing. In this film and in other movies he has made, people who are bad and have done terrible things seem to get away with it. I don't know if Woody truly feels this about people in the real world, but it does seem to come up again and again in his movies. I do think at the end of Match Point that there is the implication that maybe the bad guy didn't get his due in a literal way, but the life he will continue to live that is without passion is another sort of prison and perhaps worse than going to jail. On a mostly unrelated note, one of the trailers I saw before the movie was for Inside Man which stars Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster and it really sucked me in. I will definitely go see that when it comes out.