Monday, January 02, 2006

Match Point Part Deux

So I saw Match Point this weekend and I really enjoyed it. Don't read the rest of this if you haven't seen the movie and are planning to, as I give away a few things. I certainly agree with most people that it's Woody Allen's best movie in quite a few years. I did also kind of like Melinda and Melinda, but I thought this newer one was even better. One theme in this movie that has come up many times in his films is the belief that most people at the core are not good and/or don't choose to do the right thing. In this film and in other movies he has made, people who are bad and have done terrible things seem to get away with it. I don't know if Woody truly feels this about people in the real world, but it does seem to come up again and again in his movies. I do think at the end of Match Point that there is the implication that maybe the bad guy didn't get his due in a literal way, but the life he will continue to live that is without passion is another sort of prison and perhaps worse than going to jail. On a mostly unrelated note, one of the trailers I saw before the movie was for Inside Man which stars Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster and it really sucked me in. I will definitely go see that when it comes out.


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