Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Looks Like Jon Stewart Is Getting A Bigger Audience

I worked late and I'm pretty tired, but I don't want to completely give up the blogging, so I'll post a few things tonight. If the postings aren't informative or amusing, blame in on my lack of time and energy. Anyway, on to the point of this posting. I just read that Jon Stewart is going to be hosting the Academy Awards. Sounds like a good choice to me. I think Jon is bright and incredibly entertaining, but the truth is that you never know how it will go. People just as talented as he is have tried and it hasn't always gone well. My one worry with Jon Stewart is that he is so cerebral, I wonder if some jokes will go over viewers heads. I am guess he will have to dumb it down a bit, so that everyone watching will be in on the joke. Perhaps he will come out wearing shorts and we can see his muscular soccer legs that I blogged about a few weeks ago.


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