Monday, January 23, 2006

The Jury Is Still Out On The Monkey

I know, I know, I haven't been blogging very much in the past week or so. I swear I'm not lazy, just temping/working a bunch of hours and trying to finish a script. Okay off the topic of my laziness and onto new TV shows. I saw Love Monkey last week and I'm not ready to make a definitive decision about whether to keep watching it. I didn't love it, but it was entertaining at times and I think it has potential. It could really go either way at this point. It certainly is no How I Met Your Mother (which if you read this blog at all, you know I love), but I might give it at least one more chance. I have this feeling it's going to turn out not to be must see TV for me, but yeah, I'll watch it if it's on and I have nothing better to do kind of TV. One cool thing about the show is that they are going to have a bunch of musical guest stars (known and unknown) because Tom Cavanagh is playing a music lover who is an A&R rep at a small label. The guy they had on in the pilot who they referred to as Wayne, is actually musician Teddy Geiger. He is very young, but seems to have some real talent and depth. He reminds me a bit of John Mayer, but in a good way. Check out his music here, if you are intrigued. If you want to catch up a bit with Jason Priestly who is also on the show, read this interview.


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