Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Camp Texas Hold Em

I like playing cards. I would sometimes play poker with my sister and my dad when we were kids, and I always enjoyed it. Years ago, before poker got so crazy popular again, I started to watch some of the tournaments on TV and got sucked in again and realized that the main game that was played was a new one called Texas Hold Em. When I started to watch the tournaments on TV, I was surprised to see this guy, who is the son of a famous actor, an actor himself, a guy I mostly think of as being a tennis player, but who is now apparently a skilled and knowledgeable player and TV host. He has a poker website with someone I once worked for on a movie. I don't play poker that often, but I would love to get a chance to do it more. I would give anything to be able to attend this Phil Hellmuth Poker Camp, but it costs almost $2000, so I won't be going anytime soon, as there are other things to spend that money on. My favorite semi-cheesy, but fun related poker show to watch is this one and I'm looking forward to seeing this movie with a poker related theme when it comes out. If you have a few minutes to kill, this free online poker game is a great time waster.


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