Sunday, February 26, 2006

He Went From Like Totally Geek To Totally Chic

I often blog about Grey's Anatomy. I'm sure it can be annoying, but to be honest, it's my blog and I'm going to do what I want. I was out shopping today and I wandered into a bookstore only to be confronted by Patrick Dempsey's sexy mug staring me right in the face from the cover of Details magazine. I couldn't have been happier. I'm not some Johnny Come Lately when it comes to Patrick. I really did think he was cute in Can't Buy Me Love before and after he went from totally geek to totally chic. The Details article and the photographs are truly amazing. He is incredibly open about the hard times he went through in his career and how grateful he is to be back on top. He talked about letting go of his need to be liked and how that really turned his career and life around. I know that's a lesson I need to learn and I'm working on it all the time. His comeback shows that things can really turn around at any point. It gives me hope with my own writing career. I've only gotten the confidence to be focusing on it in earnest the last couple of years and I'm crossing my fingers that it might just work out.

To Shave Or Not To Shave, That Is The Question

Actually my posting title is a little misleading because the guy that writes this Antishave blog has already firmly decided he won't be shaving for a year. I don't really think this is that interesting, but Yahoo Picks featured it last week, so I'm trying to find out why they think it's compelling. Remember some time ago when I wrote about Dress Kevin (a guy who blogs and has people help pick out his clothes)? I was confused about that sites ability to lure people in, and was perplexed about the fact that Kevin couldn't just dress himself. Compared to the Antishave blog, Dress Kevin seems much more impressive. I do have an ex that would probably love the Antishave blog. He would be really jealous that this guy is not going to shave for a year. Perhaps, if he is reading this blog (which he sometimes does), he will consider not shaving for a year and doing a blog of his own.

I'm Retiring Quirky Dorky

When the show Numbers first came on the air I had a little TV crush on David Krumholtz who plays Charlie. I even blogged about the show not that long ago. I still watch the show when I can, but somehow my crush has faded. Honestly, I'm not that sure what happened. I still think he's an incredible actor and I do still really enjoy the show, so I guess it's an unexplained phenomena. When I was still in the midst of my tv crush, a nickname for him developed, Quirky Dorky. I suppose now that I can put it to rest. Even so, this article about him and the show are worth a read.

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Kids From The Creek Are Everywhere These Days Part Deux

Remember not that long ago when I blogged about the fact that all the kids from Dawson's Creek seem to be back at work or making babies with Tom Cruise? That trend seems to be continuing. James Van Der Beek just signed on for another pilot.

Monday, February 20, 2006

I Finally Got An Ipod

So everyone that kept rolling their eyes about the fact that semi-dorky me who is generally an early adopter of technology didn't have an IPOD can stop. I finally purchased one on Friday night. I got a Nano! I have to say that I'm already thrilled with it, but a little afraid that I am going to go overboard buying music from Itunes. When I contemplate whether I want a particular song, I think to myself about how the song costs less than a dollar, so what is the big deal and I end up buying it. I can assure you that some finance guys and some creative types sat around for a long time trying to figure out what that price point would be that would make people say what the hell and they hit it right on the head. So far I have signed up a few NPR podcasts and purchased about fifteen songs. My music taste varies wildly, so the list includes things like Green Day, Weezer, Death Cab For Cutie, James Blunt and a piece of classical music that Joshua Bell (a violinist I love that I have blogged about before) did for the movie Ladies in Lavender. I also have to say that the IPOD is incredibly easy to use and intuitive, like all Apple products. For all those who pestered me, I'm glad you finally convinced me. Now, I just have to get a Tivo.

Thank You for Blogging

I know that I've blogged about Jason Reitman's upcoming movie Thank You For Smoking before, so I'll keep this one short. I'm really excited to see the movie when it comes out next month, so when I found out that Jason was doing his own blog about it, I had to check it out. His honesty is refreshing and he's a funny guy, so I'm glad I took a look. Once I see the movie, I'll make sure to post a review.

Friday, February 17, 2006

McDreamy Is Great, But I'm Also Crushing on George

McDreamy is great and everyone I know who watches the show is into him. Even I ranted and raved about the show earlier in the week and made a special mention of how talented and adorable Patrick Dempsey is, but I have to say that George, played so well by T.R. Knight, is growing on me as well. He is cute in that boyish way I like and has a genuinely sweetness about him that comes through on screen. I'm not the only one I know who likes him. Here is a recent interview with him. I certainly wouldn't throw his cute self out of my bed, would you toss him out of yours?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Million Little Pieces of Scientology

Have you seen this video? Who knew so much humor could be created with a couple of episodes of Oprah and a little creative editing. If you have a little time, check it out. By the way, I know I haven't been blogging as often as I did before. For the small group of people who read this blog regularly, I apologize. I'm still temping at AOL and I've been working really long hours. Speaking of AOL, one of the execs high up in the company, Ted Leonsis, has a blog. It's pretty unusual for such a high level exec to do a blog, so that in itself is pretty cool, but the blog is also refreshingly honest, informative and entertaining. The other reason I haven't been blogging as much is that I've been working with my writing partner to finish our newest script. This draft is pretty much done with the exception of us proofing it and doing a few minor tweaks, so that's exciting. I'm going to be giving it to people soon, so I'm nervous, but I'm looking forward to it. Anyway, I'll try to be better with the blogging in the coming weeks.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Spoiler Alert - If you have not seen the episode of Grey's Anatomy from last night and you don't want to know what happens, do NOT read this posting. The last two episodes of Grey's Anatomy were so good and left me so speechless (a very rare occurrence) that I don't quite know where to begin. I think I will just start by saying that Shonda Rhimes (the creator of the show, who wrote these episodes) is a genius. To say that she is a talented writer, is such a serious understatement that I am digging deep to find better words, but since I am not as talented as she is, conveying her gifts appropriately is eluding me at this moment. So much was going on in these episodes that you really had to watch closely to catch all the details. One of the things I really admire about the show is that it isn't predictable. Any other show on TV would have the bomb squad guy (Dylan - played so well by the super cute Kyle Chandler who I watched years ago on his show Early Edition) survive after all that had happened and maybe comeback as a love interest for Meredith, but last night he dies just moments after Meredith hands him the device. In that moment, I was so taken aback and completely shell-shocked that I didn't know what to do with myself. All I could think was OMG Meredith almost died, Meredith almost died and then I realized it was a TV show and relaxed, but I still felt bad for Kyle Chandler, even though I know in real life he is still alive. The thing is, I'm a writer as well and I know how attached I get to characters, so even though Meredith, McDreamy and Bomb Squad guy aren't real, they are in a certain way because they exist within this world that I get so deeply sucked into each Sunday. The episode was so much about how life changes in one instant without you having any say or anyone asking your permission and that even if you try to control it (like Bailey tried to do with the baby), you have to surrender because you have no other choice in those moments. By far the best moment in the show was the really simple, sweet, incredibly romantic moment at the end when McDreamy tells Meredith about their last kiss. I knew before that he still loved her, but I loved getting to see that conversation, which made me hopeful they won't always be apart. I must say that was one of the most touching and real romantic moments I have ever seen on TV or in a movie. I have been a fan of Patrick for a long time and I know I always bring up his hair and great looks, but let me just say again how gifted I think he is as an actor. I will give him the best compliment I give any actor, I never see him acting at all. Patrick is so real and completely authentic that he just is McDreamy and Ellen is a great compliment to him. I could go on and on about the episodes and how much I worship Shonda Rhimes as a writer, but I think this posting is long enough. Just in case you think I just went nuts and am going overboard about a TV show, Entertainment Weekly is also raving about the episode. If you want to see what Shonda thought about it all when it finally aired, read this. Even in her blog posting she is entertaining.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Another Reason That I Love Google

Google Video is really cool. One thing I will likely buy from Google Video is episodes of Charlie Rose. Tonight I downloaded the Google player and purchased this Charlie Rose episode that had director Bennett Miller (Capote) on it. I was really bummed I had missed it, so I was thrilled to be able to watch it. In the past, when you missed a show like that, the very best you could hope for was to pay $25 bucks or so and have a tape sent to you. This is so much better. Bennett Miller was really fascinating because he doesn't seem to let himself get caught up in the Hollywood machine and care so much what others think of him. I really thought he did a great job with Capote. I also thought that Dan Futterman (who I loved as an actor on Judging Amy) did a terrific job with the script. Philip Seymour Hoffman is always amazing, but Capote appears to be one of the best roles of his career. The fact that he was able to get down Capote's voice and mannerisms so precisely that they fade into the background, was an tremendous feat. By the way, Bennett Miller is really smart and kind of boyish, so yes for anyone that was wondering, I do find him cute. If anyone knows someone cute like that, who is boyish, smart and talented, please have them give me a call. Oh, I forgot to mention, you can also buy TV shows and other video stuff from ITunes.

Seriously, I would get lost in this thing

I like strange and interesting things that the average person hasn't seen before, but even I would not buy this for someone. I'm not quite sure why, but it is creepy for some reason. A nice big cozy blanket is cool, but is it necessary to buy one that can cover half of Texas? I really don't know, so you be the judge. Sometimes weird is cool and other times weird is just well, weird! We are giving my mom these for Valentine's Day (mom if you are looking at this, don't click on the link) and they are unique, but in a fun way. If you are really dying to buy someone a soft blanket that they will love, get this one.

Monday, February 06, 2006

And You Say, I've Got A Show On The E! Channel

I'll admit it, I have watched Lisa Loeb's new show about her search for a man to settle down with, and you know what, I liked it. I also like some of her music, so there. She appears to be very sweet and genuine and seems to truly want to find the right guy. I had never heard of this dating site until I watched her show, but apparently it's all the rage. Basically the way it works is that you post a profile and then you search for people that are flying on a flight that you are also on. You e-mail them and if they are into you, you plan a date for the plane. Talk about a crazy way to meet a guy, but I suppose, it doesn't really matter how it happens, but that it happens. I doubt I will be trying it, but if I do, I'll let you know what happens with my Airtroduction.

Gossip in the Silicon Valley

Yeah, they might seem all super smart, venture capital rich and Wharton/Harvard educated, but trust me the people in the Silicon Valley, like to gossip as much as the next guy.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

With Words Or Without, He's A True Genius

I don't really watch ER anymore. I was into it in the George Clooney days, got into it again when Noah Wyle and Kelli Martin were into each other for a second, briefly got into it again when Carter and Abby dated, but since then, not so much. When I heard that James Woods was going to be on ER tonight, I had no choice but to watch. First of all, I once worked for him, and I always have to watch the work of former employers. Honestly though, I think he is a true genius and was surprised he was doing an episode of tv, so I had to tune in. The episode was incredible. It was sad, in rare moments almost funny and also tremendously moving. I can see why Jimmy did the episode. The entire show was about only him, which it seems to me is rare for ER. His performance was beyond words. It was as impactful in the moments when all he had was his eyes to communicate, as it was when he was able to speak. There are lots of good actors in this world, but he is at some whole other level. When he is performing, he just becomes whoever it is that he is playing and it is totally seamless. I have never once seen him acting. Plenty of the young actors today that are often spotted in US magazine could learn a thing or two from watching him work.

Brokeback To The Future

In all honesty, this is one of the funniest viral videos I have seen in a long time. I love it all the more because Michael J. Fox is in it. Force yourself to take the time to watch it. I rarely insist, so you can humor me this one time. I swear you will not be sorry and I bet you $10 you will laugh out loud.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Kids From The Creek Are Everywhere These Days

The kids from Dawson's Creek are having a busy year. This girl from the show recently had a baby, just got nominated for an Academy Award and will soon be marrying this guy, who also was nominated. This guy, who played Pacey, and in my humble opinion was the cutest guy on the show, is set to star in a new series. This girl from the show is marrying Tom Cruise and having his Scientology baby. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the guy who played Dawson, James Van Der Beek, he did a pilot that never went anywhere.

Has It Really Come To This

Look, I'd like to meet someone to date as much as the next guy, but has it really come to this ? I'm not that desperate, at least not yet.