Thursday, September 15, 2005

Toronto Film Festival

For some reason I can't think of something funny to say about the Toronto Film Festival, so this posting will be purely informational -- what a shocking idea. There are a bunch of movies that are coming out later this year that have been seen and reviewed at the festival. It is also interesting to hear about the movies that do get distribution at the festival and the fights that sometimes ensue over who gets them (like Paramount and Fox fighting over who actually made a deal for Jason "Son of Ivan" Reitman's first feature film Thank You For Not Smoking -- which by the way is supposed to be great). If you want to read about the festival, click here. There was also an interesting article in the NY Times about the festival, so click here if you want to read that (free registration required). If you want to find out who actually acquired the Reitman movie in the end read this, but it would likely be more interesting to click here and read about Jason Reitman.


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