Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Arrested Development Loves Chachi

I keep thinking that my postings about Tiger Beat cover boys from the 80's has to end soon, but every time I am ready to shut the door, it opens back up. I just read that the TV show Arrested Development is going to feature Scott Baio this coming season as the family lawyer. In an odd twist of fate he is replacing Henry Winkler who had been playing a similar role, but is now going on to his own show called Out of Practice. If you want to read more about Scott Baio's new job, click here. I think this whole career resurgence for male stars from the 80's is becoming a full blown trend. If I am the first one to spot it, don't forget to give me credit when you start seeing headlines like: BRAT PACK BACK IN ACTION, TIGER BEAT YOUR WAY BACK TO THE A-LIST, 80'S STARS AND LACOSTE SHIRTS ARE BACK, CAN ACID WASH JEANS BE FAR BEHIND? Since everyone from Emilio Estevez to Anthony Michael Hall is getting a second chance at stardom, my vote is for Andrew McCarthy to be next.


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