Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Anyone still there???

I know it has been a month or two since I have blogged. I'm a bad blogger. I did warn you that I got a new job and truthfully I'm not so sure anyone is still reading this thing, so I am pretty much just writing to myself anyway. Helllooooo ... is there an echo... anybody there? Okay, so I'm a bit tired and a little loopy, but I figured I would say hi and maybe blog a little. Sunday is supposed to be the day of rest, but even if you believe in God, I doubt he ever handed down his opinion on blogging. I have been working so many hours at my new job, that I haven't had much time to write about the usual blogworthy things I have spotted, but one night while I was watching Studio 60, I made what I thought might be a blogworthy observation, so I decided to get back on the blog horse so to speak. What I noticed that brought me out of hiding was that almost everyone from that old WB show Jack and Jill is back on television. It's so weird how stuff like that happens. The two most obvious people that are back on tv are Amanda Peet and Sarah Paulson who are both on Studio 60. Justin Kirk is on Weeds, Jamie Pressly is on My Name is Earl and I think Simon Rex is on that Jennie Garth fluffy sitcom on the WB/CW show called What I Like About You. (is that still on the air?). Anyway, I will try to blog every now and again if I can even though I'm not convinced there are people reading this blog besides me.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Game, Set, Match

Yeah, I cried when Agassi lost to Becker the other day. Wanna make something of it? I mean Andre cried and there were people in the audience that gave him a standing ovation for more than five minutes that were crying. I know it is the right time for him to retire, but I am very sorry to see him go. He really is an incredible player and I would have loved to see him get a bit farther seeing as this was his last tournament. His emotion and the outpouring from the crowd were really touching and overwhelming. The only upside to him retiring is that now I can have just one favorite player, this guy, instead of trying to decide between them.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Good News, Bad News

I know, I know, I am an even worse blogger than before. I have to say that I do have a good excuse -- I GOT A NEW JOB. I would prefer not to say for who, but he is a tremendously talented actor who has won many awards, but is still down to earth and very nice. I likely won't be blogging as much at least for a little while, but I will try to now and then when I get time.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

No Ordinary Actor

Last night I happened to catch the movie Ordinary People on TV. I had not seen in for many years and I had forgotten that it was such a gripping and emotional film. It's mind blowing that it was the first movie Robert Redford ever directed, as it has the skillful eye of someone much more seasoned. The entire cast of the movie is amazing, but the performance that you just can't take your eyes off of is Timothy Hutton. Truth be told, he really deserved the Best Actor Oscar that year, not Best Supporting, but I'm sure he didn't complain. I was able to find the original trailer for the movie on You Tube. Another movie I love that he starred in a few years back is Beautiful Girls. If you haven't ever seen it, go rent it. I also recently saw this promo for a new NBC show that Timothy Hutton will be starring in this season called Kidnapped. I will admit that I do still find Timothy Hutton (click for a recent picture) cute in that boyishly handsome way I like, but that isn't why I think he is an extraordinary actor.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Man Finds Success in Hollywood Via... Red Paperclip?

I really try to fight against the fact that sometimes I can be a bitter person. I really am working hard and do hope to have some success as a writer and/or get married to some brainy, sweet, wire rimmed glasses wearing guy who cooks, but until that happens sometimes I can get kind of jealous. This young guy is rich and making movies, but it doesn't upset me because he is trying to make the world a better place with the money he inherited. Thanks to this dumb show David Hasselhoff seems to be having a career resurgence. Come on people, this is a guy who in his heyday was popular because he was on a show with a talking car and most people liked the car better than him. When I read this story today about the red paper clip barter guy getting a deal with Dreamworks, I just about had a meltdown, but then I realized it wouldn't do me any good and I should just focus on my own work.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Elliott Still Cute After All These Years

Last week, I watched one of episodes of Nightmares and Dreamscapes on TNT (there are 8 in all). All of the episodes are based on stories by Stephen King and they got some really great actors to participate. The episode I watched was called The End Of the Whole Mess. The lead roles were played by Henry Thomas (yes, now you finally get the title of the posting) and Ron "Yes I played Berger and dumped Carrie with a post it on SATC, but I have done other roles as well" Livingston. TV Squad did this great summary of the episode. I have to say that both actors were really compelling and I enjoyed it quite a bit, even though the story is dark. I also have to admit that I still do think Henry Thomas is pretty handsome. The TNT site had an interview with both actors that you can check out here.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No More Weezer

I'm not sure why, but every person I know had to make a point of sending me one of the articles that quoted Rivers Cuomo as saying that Weezer might not make any more music together. Are people trying to depress me? Come on, send me something fun or some time wasting game, but don't make me bum out over Rivers. Meanwhile, he is always a man of grand pronouncements that don't always end up being the last word on the issue. I have to hope they will make more music someday. I love them. If not, maybe I will at least find some cute boyfriend/husband who is musically inclined (preferably guitar playing), who looks vaguely like Rivers and cooks. If anyone has someone in mind, please e-mail me.

CBS Seems Pretty Eggcited

I know, the title is lame, but honestly, if you had a blog and couldn't think of another title you would sink to using something cheesy as well, if it was a little funny. CBS has some really good shows on the air (Numbers, CSI, Without A Trace) and seems to have shaken the label of being the network for older viewers, so why on earth would they spend money on such a ridiculously desperate and wacky ad campaign? I think someone over there has a crack in their shell.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Warren Buffett Is Dreamy

I am sure that a few people who read the title of this posting will snicker and I don't care. I happen to have a thing for brilliant guys and if I want to have a crush on a MUCH older man who just happens to be one greatest investors on the planet, I can. If you don't know who he is, shame on you -- try reading a paper at some point. He runs this company and if you want more info on him go here. He recently made this huge donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One of the things I really love about him is that even though he is incredibly rich, smart and talented, he is still a very modest guy. Charlie Rose is doing a three part series on him this week. Even if you miss the show you can go to Google Video and watch Part One and Part Two. The final episode airs tonight and then will be posted tomorrow.

Salon Says: Not enough Stars of David!

I don't think I agree with this feature over at Salon about the lack of hip Jews right now. They don't even really believe it themselves because they include a list of possible hip jews at the end of the article. Even though my crush on him is over, they should have also included this guy on the list.

Friday, July 07, 2006

It Probably Made Getting Ready Really Easy

So this woman spent an entire year wearing the same dress every single day. As far as I understand the whole exercise is essentially a performance piece about consumerism. I applaud the effort and I'm sure that it made getting ready easy, but I never could have done it. Even if she washed it every day, I think we can all agree, that it probably stinks by now.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Not So Lobsterrific

If you head over to lunch or dinner at The Lobster in Santa Monica, I would think you would be hoping that the best dish they make would be Lobster, but this review says that isn't the case. Seeing as the place is called The Lobster, they might want to work on that. One upside for the restaurant is that the review did compliment other dishes.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I Wonder What The People Over At TMZ.com Are Smoking

I have to admit that as wacky as this story that TMZ posted is, it did really make me laugh.

Lost Boys - Not So Lost Anymore

I know, I know, I'm bad blogger and the few people who read this damn blog are going to stop if I don't start writing more frequently. It has been hard to be inspired because of the sad event listed in one of my last posts. Also, my most recent consulting gig has come to an end, so most of the time I am trying to write or find another gig. If only someone would pay me to write or my writing partner and I would find someone to rep us ** sigh**. Sorry, got distracted there for a minute, but anyway enough about me. I recently read this article about how Corey Haim & Corey Feldman are on the verge of a comeback. Was anyone really wishing they would come back?? I for one never really liked Corey Feldman, and it has been a very long time since I loved Corey Haim in Lucas. I'd much prefer this Corey had a comeback. Well, I suppose if they can have a second shot it proves that anything is possible, so that gives me hope for my writing career.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Why It Takes Forever To Get Anything Done In Hollywood

Even if you have never worked in the business, Nikki Finke's assessment of why hardly any work gets done in Hollywood is pretty hysterical.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm Back

I know it's been longer than normal between posts, but there are a few legit reasons why I haven't been writing. The main one is a Very Sad one that I can barely bring myself to type. My Aunt Judy who I was very close to and loved very much died last week after many years of battling cancer. She was a very dynamic person and was loved by many. She was a teacher, an arts educator, a wonderful mother and wife. I could go on, but none of what I write can really capture the essence of what she was all about. I wanted to write something about her and I decided that the thing that would make her smile the most and best represent her would be a recipe of sorts. I have included it below.

Recipe For An Aunt Judy

1 ½ Gallons Devoted Mother

2 Cups Strength Firmly Packed

1 Pint Attentive and Loving Wife

A Dash of Sparkling Wit

5 Heaping Tablespoons of Artistic Talent

1 Handful of Great Listener

2 ½ Cups of Keen Eye for Detail

6 Ounces of Fun Loving Auntie

1 Pound of Terrific Cook

10 Drops of Fabulous Style

1 Quart of Courage

3 Teaspoons Dynamic Personality

The Zest of One Caring Sister

Stir Gently

Decorate with a Beautiful Scarf

**Due To Rare Ingredients This Recipe Can Only Be Made Once

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Puffy Chair Part Deux

When I was blogging all the way back in 2005, I wrote about a bunch of indie flicks here. I just noticed the other day that one of the movies I blogged about in that posting, The Puffy Chair, has a cool trailer online and apparently was recently released. I can't find it in my area yet, but I hope to see it soon.

ELAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Part Deux

I saw Rumor Has It earlier this year and I know lots of people didn't like it, but it really wasn't all that bad. As most people know, the movie takes a thread of the story of The Graduate to center the movie around. Did you hear though that the original author of the novel, Charles Webb, is working on a sequel to it? I would read that in a heartbeat. Perhaps a great movie can come out of that and Simon and Garfunkel can do a new song for it. My fingers are crossed. If you've never seen the original, shame on you! GO out and rent it right away. Mike Nichols is a genius and Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft will blow you away.

Friday, June 02, 2006

He's Not Clueless

I happen to be a big fan of Paul Rudd. He's an incredibly talented and versatile actor. He also isn't so hard on the eyes, but seriously, I like him because of how gifted and funny he can be. I recently read this interview with him that also reminded me what a great sense of humor he possesses.

Monday, May 29, 2006

A Not Quite Mad Genius & A Hot Doc

Last week I went to see David Milch speak at the WGA Theater. Milch, in case you don't know, is a brilliant writer who has written and/or created such shows as Hill Street Blues, NYPD Blue and Deadwood. I expected him to be interesting and that I might learn something (and I did), but he was also hilariously funny. He has been through quite a bit in his life (drug abuse, gambling problems, getting arrested, etc.), but he has found a way to channel his demons into some incredible writing. He is one of those clear examples of the fact that there is a thin line between madness and genius. I have to say that I often go to events to hear writers speak and this was one of the best I've been to. As exciting as it was to hear Milch speak, the night ended up being even more fun because my friend Debbie and I went to dinner after the event and saw this actress and her husband who recently played McSteamy on Grey's Anatomy. Anyone who reads this blog knows how I feel about that show. Although I am a McDreamy fan and McSteamy is a bit pretty for my taste, he was still pretty HOT!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Whiff of Doh

When I was young, I loved Play-Doh as much as any other kid. I did always notice the unique smell that wasn't exactly good, but something about the texture and the strange odor made you want to play with it. The product has been around for fifty years now and while I think that's great and they should celebrate, was a perfume that smells like Play-Doh really necessary? Ummm, let me think about that for a sec... NO I don't think so.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Apple Fever

How cool is it that Apple opened a store in NYC this week that will be open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I'm a nerd, so for some reason it makes me jealous that I don't live in NYC. Speaking of Apple, I love these new ads they are doing (click on the one called Network to see my favorite). Speaking of Apple, two great new trailers are up on the Quicktime part of the site, The Lake House (which stars Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock in a very non Speed like Rom Com - this was a great script) and Oliver Stone's upcoming movie World Trade Center (I actually shed a tear watching this one).

The Unearthed Kubrick Romantic Comedy?

People still seem to be having fun doing movie trailer mashups and creating crazy stuff. This one is still my favorite, but I recently heard about this other one that makes The Shining seem like a romantic/family comedy. It is definitely worth taking the two minutes it takes to watch it for the laugh.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Could Downward Facing Dog Really Be Worth This Much?

It's cool that Gwyneth Paltrow cares about others and does things for charity, but could a yoga lesson with her possibly be worth what this person paid for it? Maybe she'll do the goddess poses for you or cook you some tofu after.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Leg Up On A Recent Trend

Slowly but surely a look that I never thought would come back into fashion, has indeed, done just that. If you read any fashion magazines or US weekly for that matter you will notice that people are dressing like it's the 80's. I saw this look that Lindsay Lohan was sporting this week and I thought to myself, I swear, I owned that outfit back in the day. Wow, that really makes me feel old. Just saying back in the day ages me, I think. I also read this article about how leggings are popular again. Yes, I did say leggings. Before you know it people will be walking around in leg warmers and off the shoulder Flashdance style sweatshirts. It's doubtful that I will get sucked into this trend because I remember my long skirts, big shiny blouses and wide belts and I don't think I want to go there again, but leggings are really comfortable, so I suppose you never know. Actually, I do know, no more leggings for me unless they are for some kind of exercise class.