Monday, September 19, 2005

Anyone Who Submits Me For This Show Is In Big Trouble

What Not To Wear on TLC is a fun show to watch, as long as you aren't the person being featured. If you have never seen it, check out the explanation and link below:

- It is on the TLC Channel
- Someone submits you for the show because you dress badly
- The show films you without your knowledge for 2 weeks
- Clinton and Stacy (the 2 hosts) come and surprise you and offer to give you $5000 for a shopping spree with the only catch being that you have to give over to them and their rules about how you should dress. They make you throw out clothes of your own that they don't like.

That is the basic gist of it. If you want to read about it in more detail, click here. I know that there are a few people that have admitted (not necessarily to my face) that they want to submit me for this show because of the fact that I wear a ton of black (Johnny Cash did it -- what the hell is so wrong with it) and clothes that are a bit big on me that might not be super flattering. All I can say is that anyone that does this to me will literally be DEAD TO ME. I know I sound like a Jewish Mafia hitman or something, but I am not kidding. Being on this show would be my worst nightmare come true. I don't like looking at myself in the mirror at HOME and the idea of trying clothes on with a television audience getting to see it is unbearable. I rarely use this blog to be mean or threatening, but in this once instance, I felt I had to take a stand.


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