Friday, September 23, 2005

So Many Trailers, So Little Time

Seriously, I don't have a ton of time to be my witty, irreverent self today, so this posting might be informative instead of funny. I have a meeting to go to and anyone who knows me at all is aware that I will likely arrive early, so I have to make my postings this am relatively quick. Blah, Blah, Blah, even I know I sound annoying at this point, so on with the posting. Let me just say up front, I love trailers. I recently saw quite a few interesting trailers online and because I am a generous person, I am sharing them with you. The first trailer is for the movie Derailed which is about two strangers who have an affair (both are married) and fall prey to a blackmailer. The film stars Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owen. Click here to see the trailer. If that isn't up your alley, click here to see the trailer for The Squid and the Whale. Squid stars Laura Linney and Jeff Daniels as a dysfunctional couple that is divorcing. There is even a Baldwin in it, but surprise, surprise, it is Billy and not Alec. Noah Baumbach (the director/writer of The Squid and the Whale) is talented and cute in my favorite brooding, boyish, intellectual kind of way, but I have no chance because he is dating Jennifer Jason Leigh. For those of you that have been missing Sarah Jessica Parker, trying watching this trailer for The Family Stone. Sarah stars in this flick about a family that reunites when one of their sons brings home his uptight girlfriend. Lastly, if you like remakes, check out Fun with Dick and Jane which stars Tea Leoni and Jim Carrey (the original had Jane Fonda and George Segal). If you don't know what this movie is about, shame on you -- it is a classic! Try watching the trailer or renting the original from the late 1970's.


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