Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hot Brainy Guys Part Deux

I know this is a topic that has come up a few times, but it's my blog and I'll write what I want, so suck it up. Also, this posting has more to do with hot, brainy, older guys, so there is a new twist. I was watching the Charlie Rose show last night and his guest was Ray Kurzweil. Ray is a writer, researcher, inventor, furturist and all around brilliant guy. He was promoting his new book, The Singularity Is Near, which has to do with humans transcending biology. You can read more about it here or check out his website for more info. Bill Gates did a comment for the back cover, so you know this guy is in the higher echelons of brainiacs. I found the interview fascinating and the more the guy spoke, the more I started to think that I should start dating super smart, older men. Ray also wrote another book that was pretty popular called The Age of Spiritual Machines. I think I will buy both books. A few years back I read a book about String Theory by Brian Greene called The Elegant Universe and I really liked it. Brian is incredibly smart and not so hard on the eyes, so I got sucked into watching many interviews with him as well. I love to read books on all topics, but I really have gotten interested in science, business and technology in the last five years or so. If that makes me a geek, so be it. I embrace my inner nerd.


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