Sunday, March 26, 2006

Where Is My Issue of Vogue???

It really is so annoying when you have a subscription to a magazine, but you see the new issue is out and you haven't gotten it yet. It is hard to have patience and wait for it to arrive instead of just going out and buying it. Usually I get my Vogue magazine on time, but this month it's nowhere to be found and I really want to read it. At least I was able to read the Jennifer Aniston cover story because they posted it online.

Do You Tube?

If you haven't seen You Tube you should really check it out. You can watch funny original video pieces from all over the country or check out things like the infamous Scientology South Park episode that Issac Hayes quit the show over. If you're in the mood to watch a trailer, you can watch this hilarious Brokeback to the Future trailer that I've posted before. I also recently found The Spirit of Christmas (the original animated short that got the South Park guys their show) on the site and if you haven't ever seen it, please take the time to watch. I've seen it many times over the years and it still makes me crack up.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Here Comes The Pants

When I meet the brainy, sweet, sarcastic, glasses wearing man of my dreams and decide to get married, I could see myself getting on board with this trend and deciding to wear pants and a pretty top instead of a frou frou wedding dress. Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that I rarely even wear skirts. When I do get married, it won't be some huge princess fairytale type of affair, but instead an intimate gathering of those that I care about and pants would make more sense in that setting anyway.

Another Reason George Clooney Is A Great Guy

Did you hear that George Clooney donated his Oscar gift bag to the United Way? I know I have rambled on about how talented he is many times, but another reason to really like him is that he is the rare actor who really seems to appreciate how lucky he is to be in his position, so he tries to give back to others that have less than him. In other George news, he is mad at Arianna Huffington because she misrepresented him on her blog. I can't stand her and I think what she did is sneaky, so I'm thrilled that she isn't looking so good right now.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

If I Use This, Maybe I'll Blog More

I just read about this caffeinated lip balm the other day. It's sold out right now, but when it becomes available, I'm going to buy it. I know I haven't been blogging much lately because I have a ton going on, but I wish that I still had the time and energy, so I'm hoping that the lip balm might help.

A Puzzle That Might Have You Wearing Cement Shoes

I know the Sopranos is back on tonight after a long hiatus and everyone I know is excited except I think I'm just a big wuss and I could never handle watching blood and violence, so I have never gotten into the show. I tried watching once after much prodding from friends and it turned out to be an episode where a human head ended up in bowling bag. When that happened it reminded me of the time I finally got my mother to watch South Park and it was an episode that featured Mr. Hankey The Christmas Poo. She will never try watching that show again. So back to the Sopranos, I know it's great, but I won't be watching anytime soon. I did recently see this Sopranos Sudoku game that I thought was kind of interesting. I sent it to friend who loves the show and the game and she says it's difficult, but she likes it.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Misspelled Words, First Drafts, Postal Trucks & The Social Life of a Google Creator

I know, I know, this posting is a little bit schizophrenic. I'm a little all over the place this week because I'm super slammed at work, just recently gave a first draft of a new script to people to read, oh and A POSTAL TRUCK hit my car and tore off the front bumper on Monday. I'm so ready for my run of not so good luck to be over. I mean, come on, A POSTAL TRUCK hits my parked car. To quote Grey's Anatomy -- Seriously? Seriously? Do you know anyone that ever got hit by a postal truck?? I suppose it could have been worse. At least I wasn't in the car. Okay, enough already, I know. Since I'm feeling tired and lazy, I'm just going to drop my couple of other random links/thoughts into the posting without good transitions. I saw this list of the most commonly misspelled words yesterday and I thought people might be interested. I could be wrong on that one. Lastly, if you thought that all the Google guys did was count their money and ponder how Google will take over the world, it turns out that at least one of them has time to date. Okay I know I said lastly, but I have one more thought. Dating sucks! Seriously, trying to find someone you can stand that can stand you is pretty annoying. I can't seem to meet anyone that I like, even a little bit. I was thinking of becoming a nun, but I'm not so sure they take Jews. If only Patrick Dempsey had a sweet, brainy, glasses wearing brother who looked like him. Sigh.