Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Best Wit and Sarcasm Money Can Buy

Check out this great article about Mark Lisanti who writes the entertainment gossip blog Defamer. It is a must read for those in Hollywood who want to be in the know. Mark isn't afraid of anyone and that is useful as he comments on and critiques just about everything Hollywood related. I often laugh out loud at the postings. Sad to note from the article that Mark might leave Defamer in the not to distant future to pursue his writing in other forms. I will surely miss him if he leaves because even if the new person is great they won't come near the biting sarcasm and witty titles that his brain generates. By the way, I know I didn't blog for most of the day. I had a meeting today and it looks like I might start a long term temp gig as soon as Monday. Assuming that I do, I won't be blogging as often, but don't be sad, I'm not planning on giving it up for good and will likely keep blogging before or after work or during lunch.


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