Wednesday, October 12, 2005

You'd Have To Be A Pretty Big Fan Of The OC

Just think, if you are a huge fan of The OC and you have no personal style of your own, you can now buy copies of the clothes that the girls have worn on the show. I have to admit, it is pretty well priced and it will probably be a fun thing to do for the teenage fans who will buy it. I was going to mention that The OC has a cute, boyish, smart and talented writer/creator that is up my alley, but now I feel self-conscious about it. Yesterday, a friend of mine who will remain nameless, commented that I have an obsession with the geeky, boyish guys I like -- he referred to it as a dork fetish. I don't have a "dork" fetish. I do like smart, boyish guys who sometimes wear glasses, but that is not the only type I am attracted to. I suppose if I look back at my blog, it does seem like I mention that type of guy often, but that is mostly because I don't feel they get their due.


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