Friday, October 21, 2005

Ipod, You Pod, We All Pod, Part Deux

I'm such a sheep. Everyone else is blogging about the new IPOD that can handle audio and video, so I relented and now I am writing about it as well. I think Steve Jobs is sending out subliminal messages that we have to, so now even though I wasn't going to do it, here I am. PC World seems to like it, but has some issues with it. The New York Times (free reg. req'd) seems to like it better, but also doesn't seem to think it is quite perfect yet. If you do decide to buy it, there seems to be no end of cool things to do with it, like get TV shows from your Tivo to your Ipod or to transfer movies from a DVD to your Ipod. It truly is shocking that I don't own an Ipod because I like music and I tend to be an early adopter of new technology. I must be losing my edge because I don't have a fancy cell phone or a Blackberry either. As soon as I get a new job, I think I need to update my gadget situation.


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