Monday, May 29, 2006

A Not Quite Mad Genius & A Hot Doc

Last week I went to see David Milch speak at the WGA Theater. Milch, in case you don't know, is a brilliant writer who has written and/or created such shows as Hill Street Blues, NYPD Blue and Deadwood. I expected him to be interesting and that I might learn something (and I did), but he was also hilariously funny. He has been through quite a bit in his life (drug abuse, gambling problems, getting arrested, etc.), but he has found a way to channel his demons into some incredible writing. He is one of those clear examples of the fact that there is a thin line between madness and genius. I have to say that I often go to events to hear writers speak and this was one of the best I've been to. As exciting as it was to hear Milch speak, the night ended up being even more fun because my friend Debbie and I went to dinner after the event and saw this actress and her husband who recently played McSteamy on Grey's Anatomy. Anyone who reads this blog knows how I feel about that show. Although I am a McDreamy fan and McSteamy is a bit pretty for my taste, he was still pretty HOT!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Whiff of Doh

When I was young, I loved Play-Doh as much as any other kid. I did always notice the unique smell that wasn't exactly good, but something about the texture and the strange odor made you want to play with it. The product has been around for fifty years now and while I think that's great and they should celebrate, was a perfume that smells like Play-Doh really necessary? Ummm, let me think about that for a sec... NO I don't think so.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Apple Fever

How cool is it that Apple opened a store in NYC this week that will be open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I'm a nerd, so for some reason it makes me jealous that I don't live in NYC. Speaking of Apple, I love these new ads they are doing (click on the one called Network to see my favorite). Speaking of Apple, two great new trailers are up on the Quicktime part of the site, The Lake House (which stars Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock in a very non Speed like Rom Com - this was a great script) and Oliver Stone's upcoming movie World Trade Center (I actually shed a tear watching this one).

The Unearthed Kubrick Romantic Comedy?

People still seem to be having fun doing movie trailer mashups and creating crazy stuff. This one is still my favorite, but I recently heard about this other one that makes The Shining seem like a romantic/family comedy. It is definitely worth taking the two minutes it takes to watch it for the laugh.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Could Downward Facing Dog Really Be Worth This Much?

It's cool that Gwyneth Paltrow cares about others and does things for charity, but could a yoga lesson with her possibly be worth what this person paid for it? Maybe she'll do the goddess poses for you or cook you some tofu after.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Leg Up On A Recent Trend

Slowly but surely a look that I never thought would come back into fashion, has indeed, done just that. If you read any fashion magazines or US weekly for that matter you will notice that people are dressing like it's the 80's. I saw this look that Lindsay Lohan was sporting this week and I thought to myself, I swear, I owned that outfit back in the day. Wow, that really makes me feel old. Just saying back in the day ages me, I think. I also read this article about how leggings are popular again. Yes, I did say leggings. Before you know it people will be walking around in leg warmers and off the shoulder Flashdance style sweatshirts. It's doubtful that I will get sucked into this trend because I remember my long skirts, big shiny blouses and wide belts and I don't think I want to go there again, but leggings are really comfortable, so I suppose you never know. Actually, I do know, no more leggings for me unless they are for some kind of exercise class.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

How To Dress Your Toddler Like A Rock Star

Size 2T Ozzy Shirt .. $40. Baby Converse $22....Having the cutest, hippest, toddler on the block... priceless! I have few close friends with kids and to be honest I have a major addiction to buying them clothes. I just can't seem to stop. My friend Ainsley has a little boy and he is the only little boy I know, so I love to find him hip little cargo pants, cool t-shirts, etc. I just recently got her little son Leo this funny shirt. I also recently purchased Katie (my good friend Dena's daughter) this shirt that I think is hilarious and her little one, Amanda, these shoes as a part of her birthday gift. I know, I know, I should stop and they grow out of the stuff quickly, but it's so hard to resist because I love them all so much. By the way, the title of this posting and the cute lead in were both courtesy of Ainsley.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

How To Build A Good Trailer

Over the weekend, I happened upon this trailer for a documentary that Sydney Pollack did about Frank Gehry. It comes out next weekend and I will definitely go to see it. I have always thought that Gehry's designs were fascinating and the trailer seemed to show that he has a quirky and vibrant personality to go along with it. Check it out, if you can find it in your area.