Monday, November 28, 2005

Stand By My Blog

Wil Wheaton, the actor best known for Stand By Me and playing Wesley Crusher on Star Trek The Next Generation (don't snicker, I did have to look that up), is getting to be better known these days for his writing. He wrote this book and this one, but his blog is what is talked about the most. I'm a bit of a Johnny come lately to his blog, as it has been all the rage for some time, but better late than never, right? He is currently having problems with parts of his old site, so he is hosting his blog here. This posting over the Thanksgiving holiday is laugh out loud funny. I think people respond to how open he is, his humor and his willingness to embrace his inner nerd. I know, he is boyish looking and seems like a me type, but he is married. Oh yeah, if you are wondering, Will's books are in my Amazon shopping cart as well.


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