Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Music Crush x 2

My superstar writing partner Jessica is back with another guest blog entry. Jess knows everything about music, so her postings will often be about that, but sometimes other stuff as well. Check it out below:

Lately, I have two music crushes. First, I'm a sucker for a sensitive singer-songwriter and U.K.' s James Blunt is just my cuppa tea. His debut single, 'You're Beautiful,' is all about seeing a woman in the tube and falling immediately in love with her. *Sigh.* Even better, he strips down in the mesmerizing video. You can watch it here. Second, and I think I share this crush with half of the country, is Kanye West. His new album is excellent. I could listen to 'Gold Digger' all day. Have you heard the lyrics? Hilarious! The rest of the disc is brimming with hot hooks and powerful messages. He's giving hip-hop less gangsta violence and more substance -- and I like it! Not to mention, the guy is friggin adorable. If you want to see Kanye's website, click here or if you want to read an article about him in USA Today, go here.


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