Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday Trailerfest

So many good trailers online and so little time to mention them all. The first trailer is Capote directed by Bennett Miller and starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Catherine Keener. The movie follows Truman Capote on his journey to create In Cold Blood. With actors like Hoffman and Keener and a compelling story, this one sounds good. Click here for the Capote trailer. To read more about the movie, go here . Another trailer now online is A Scanner Darkly. It is adapted from a Philip K. Dick Novel by Richard Linklater and he also directs. He is a genius in my book. Before Sunrise and Sunset are still two of the best romantic movies ever made. If you want to see the trailer, click here. If you want to read more about the movie, go here. The last trailer is Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger. The story is essentially about two men (one a cowboy the other a ranch hand) who fall in love in 1963, and all the complications that come along with that. I am dying to see this movie and the trailer, looks great. If you can't handle a movie about two men falling in love, grow up! Click here to read a bit more about the movie. Speaking of men in love, the Showtime show Queer as Folk just ended after many years. The show was one of the best on TV and I am sad to see it go. My mom and stepdad loved it as well. Talk about demographics they probably didn't expect to hit. If you have never seen it, rent a season or two.


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