Thursday, July 27, 2006

Man Finds Success in Hollywood Via... Red Paperclip?

I really try to fight against the fact that sometimes I can be a bitter person. I really am working hard and do hope to have some success as a writer and/or get married to some brainy, sweet, wire rimmed glasses wearing guy who cooks, but until that happens sometimes I can get kind of jealous. This young guy is rich and making movies, but it doesn't upset me because he is trying to make the world a better place with the money he inherited. Thanks to this dumb show David Hasselhoff seems to be having a career resurgence. Come on people, this is a guy who in his heyday was popular because he was on a show with a talking car and most people liked the car better than him. When I read this story today about the red paper clip barter guy getting a deal with Dreamworks, I just about had a meltdown, but then I realized it wouldn't do me any good and I should just focus on my own work.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Elliott Still Cute After All These Years

Last week, I watched one of episodes of Nightmares and Dreamscapes on TNT (there are 8 in all). All of the episodes are based on stories by Stephen King and they got some really great actors to participate. The episode I watched was called The End Of the Whole Mess. The lead roles were played by Henry Thomas (yes, now you finally get the title of the posting) and Ron "Yes I played Berger and dumped Carrie with a post it on SATC, but I have done other roles as well" Livingston. TV Squad did this great summary of the episode. I have to say that both actors were really compelling and I enjoyed it quite a bit, even though the story is dark. I also have to admit that I still do think Henry Thomas is pretty handsome. The TNT site had an interview with both actors that you can check out here.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No More Weezer

I'm not sure why, but every person I know had to make a point of sending me one of the articles that quoted Rivers Cuomo as saying that Weezer might not make any more music together. Are people trying to depress me? Come on, send me something fun or some time wasting game, but don't make me bum out over Rivers. Meanwhile, he is always a man of grand pronouncements that don't always end up being the last word on the issue. I have to hope they will make more music someday. I love them. If not, maybe I will at least find some cute boyfriend/husband who is musically inclined (preferably guitar playing), who looks vaguely like Rivers and cooks. If anyone has someone in mind, please e-mail me.

CBS Seems Pretty Eggcited

I know, the title is lame, but honestly, if you had a blog and couldn't think of another title you would sink to using something cheesy as well, if it was a little funny. CBS has some really good shows on the air (Numbers, CSI, Without A Trace) and seems to have shaken the label of being the network for older viewers, so why on earth would they spend money on such a ridiculously desperate and wacky ad campaign? I think someone over there has a crack in their shell.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Warren Buffett Is Dreamy

I am sure that a few people who read the title of this posting will snicker and I don't care. I happen to have a thing for brilliant guys and if I want to have a crush on a MUCH older man who just happens to be one greatest investors on the planet, I can. If you don't know who he is, shame on you -- try reading a paper at some point. He runs this company and if you want more info on him go here. He recently made this huge donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One of the things I really love about him is that even though he is incredibly rich, smart and talented, he is still a very modest guy. Charlie Rose is doing a three part series on him this week. Even if you miss the show you can go to Google Video and watch Part One and Part Two. The final episode airs tonight and then will be posted tomorrow.

Salon Says: Not enough Stars of David!

I don't think I agree with this feature over at Salon about the lack of hip Jews right now. They don't even really believe it themselves because they include a list of possible hip jews at the end of the article. Even though my crush on him is over, they should have also included this guy on the list.

Friday, July 07, 2006

It Probably Made Getting Ready Really Easy

So this woman spent an entire year wearing the same dress every single day. As far as I understand the whole exercise is essentially a performance piece about consumerism. I applaud the effort and I'm sure that it made getting ready easy, but I never could have done it. Even if she washed it every day, I think we can all agree, that it probably stinks by now.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Not So Lobsterrific

If you head over to lunch or dinner at The Lobster in Santa Monica, I would think you would be hoping that the best dish they make would be Lobster, but this review says that isn't the case. Seeing as the place is called The Lobster, they might want to work on that. One upside for the restaurant is that the review did compliment other dishes.