Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Men Are Necessary And So Is She

Anytime you title a book Are Men Necessary?, you are bound to incite controversy. I like Maureen Dowd, but I know she isn't adored by everyone. There are some who think her writing is superficial, but I wholeheartedly disagree. I find her pieces in the New York Times incisive, funny, interesting and most often, spot on. I happen to love her kind of dry wit and even though I know it can sound harsh at times, she rarely aims it at someone who isn't deserving. She won a Pulitzer, so I think calling her trivial just doesn't ring true. This piece about her on Salon is good (you will have to watch a quick ad to read it). The woman who reviewed her book at her own paper didn't love it, but she is entitled to her opinion. You can also listen to this interview Terry Gross did with her on NPR or read this article on CNN that is a bit more balanced.


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